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手工貝果 Bagels
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海鹽貝果 Sea Salt Bagel
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請於取包日前 (最少)2天下單 Please Order 2-days In Advance 經過長時間低溫發酵,將小麥的風味充分發揮,翻熱後,表面的小水泡令口感更酥脆; 新鮮食用時還會嚐到Bagel上面閃閃亮亮的Maldon海鹽! Undergoing slow fermentation, it fully releases the flavour of wheat! The combination of crispy and chewy texture is the signature of our bagels; when it's fresh the flakey Maldon sea salt on top adds shine to the bagels. 如何儲存: 建議室溫存放一天 如非即日食用,請放於保鮮袋內,置零下冰格儲存,以保存最佳狀態; 可存放3星期。 如何加熱; 預熱焗爐200-220c度,噴水於貝果表面,烘烤4-5分鐘至表面酥脆 *冰凍貝果需提前至少半小時室溫解凍 付款方法 Payment methods: FPS/ ID 4754594 Payme Bank Transfer (HSBC/ Hang Seng Bank) How to store: Store at room temperature for only one day. We recommend freezing the bagels in ziplock bags up to 3 weeks. How to reheat: Preheat the oven at 200-220c° Spray water on top of bagel Toast the bagel for 4-5 mins or until crispy *defrost the bagels at least 30 min ahead
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